Barb and Bernie Silver are a Baby Boomer detective couple, a/k/a the Sleuthing Silvers. Imagine one of the Hardy Boys married to Nancy Drew 50 years later…

They specialize in cases where their age gives them an edge, for example going undercover at a retirement community. Although they live in a Millennial world, they often find a way to deflect remarks like “OK, Boomer” and transform the dismissiveness of younger generations into intergenerational ingenuity.

For an enjoyable 15-20 minute read, join Barb and Bernie’s 5000 Facebook followers and read these short stories.

"Where Age Is An Edge"

New Mystery Story
Available Now!

Click on The Cover to Read

Barb and Bernie investigate the dirty crime
of check washing…

FREE Story Available Now!

Click on The Cover to Read

Barb and Bernie investigate a senior-targeted reality show…that might not be real…

Available for Purchase

Great Gift for Boomers!

Sixteen Sleuthing Silvers stories have been collected into a book that is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major booksellers.


“A charming and witty set of investigations with an intergenerational twist.” Kirkus Reviews

The collected stories are listed below.



Recent recognition of The Sleuthing Silvers TV pilot script:

Palma Film Festival/

Best Television Screenplay 

The Sleuthing Silvers are in the news!

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Origin Story of the Sleuthing Silvers.

Read Here

About the Author

Ron Katz, a lifetime Baby Boomer, was a trial lawyer for over four decades. A Rhodes Scholar, in 2016 he was a Fellow at Stanford University‘s Distinguished Careers Institute, which inspired him to start a new writing career.

He has given a one-hour presentation --"Becoming a Mystery Writer at Age 74"--to numerous groups in person and by Zoom. If you are in a group with interest in hearing this presentation, please contact the author at

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